Deep Breath

Deep Breath. I keep reminding myself to take deep breaths now as I pass into the final 24 hours before this calling, this trip, this dream of mine genuinely begins. Its been on the horizon for so many years now that it’s hard to believe that this time tomorrow I’ll be getting on a plane that will take me to my first destination.

As I was pulling into my neighborhood today from dropping my dad off at the airport, I passed by a local church. Their sign read, “God is faithful. He will strengthen you and protect you” (2 Thes. 3:3). How appropriate. This whole experience can be summed up by that one [very true] statement. If I were naturally strong enough mentally, physically, or spiritually, I wouldn’t need a faithful God to strengthen and protect me. But the God who chose me for this task knew me completely when He did, weaknesses and all.

In the midst of the preparation for this trip, He was not surprised by my stubbornness or lack of efficiency. He knew that there would be many instances throughout this process where I would create my own obstacles to climb over later. But, God is faithful, and He has lovingly strengthened me in many areas I needed to grow in, provided help from others when needed and has poured His grace over my efforts in the process. At every step He has provided and encouraged.

Three months ago I was getting ready to graduate. At the time, I hoped that I would be prepared and ready to leave when the time came, but I was staring at an elephant sized to-do list that honestly felt insurmountable. I doubted my own strength, my own ability to follow through with the menial tasks that would get me to the grand adventure God has called me to.

Though adrenaline is already starting to course through me and those lovely little butterflies in my stomach start to flutter their wings, I can honestly say that I am ready. He has strengthened me through this process and for this next season, and He will continue to do so. With your continued prayers and His unfailing love, He will protect me from the attacks of the evil one, for my God is so wonderfully faithful.

Meredith Raiford